Our high-power thyristors include phase control, medium voltage, gate turn-off and the most comprehensive offering of fast thyristors available.
UK WESTCODE High Power Module
High Power Thyristors
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High Power IGBTs
We offer the widest range of pressure contact IGBTs available. Our high-reliability products feature voltage ratings from 1.7kV to 6.5kV and current ratings from 115A to 3kA.
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High Power Diodes
Our high-power diodes offer best-in-class performance and reliability. Rectifier devices are available with blocking voltages from 200V to 7.2kV and current ratings to >10kA.
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Part Numbering
Stud Devices
W | 0508 | S | A | 04 | 0 |
| | | | | | | | | | | |
Device type W: Rectifier diode M: Fast/Soft recovery diode N: Phase control thyristor P: Fast turn-off thyristor S: Symmetrical Gate turn-off thyristor | Device nominal current rating | Device polarity S: Stud Anode R: Stud Cathode | Package A: 3/4" stud glass/metal C: 3/4" stud ceramic E: 3/4" HV ceramic stud with lug F: 3/4" HV ceramic stud H: 1/2" ceramic stud J: 1/2" ceramic stud with flag L: M12 stud ceramic with lug M: 3/8" stud ceramic R: M20 stud ceramic with lug & gate leads | Voltage grade - VRRM, VDRM/100 | tq code - See table for relevant code |
Capsule Devices
W | 0646 | W | C | 15 | 0 |
| | | | | | | | | | | |
Device type W: Rectifier diode M: Fast/soft recovery diode F: Extra fast diode E: HP Sonic-FRDTM N: Phase control thyristor R: Distributed gate thyristor P: Fast turn-off thyristor K: Medium voltage thyristor A: Asymmetric thyristor S: Symmetrical gate turn-off thyristor H: Fast symmetrical gate turn-off thyristor G: Asymmetric gate turn-off thyristor Y: Pulse Thyristor | Device nominal current rating For devices exceeding 9999 Amperes, digit 5 of the part number changes to C (x100) | Electrode diameter W: 19mm Y: 25mm K: 29mm J: 32mm L: 34mm Q: 38mm D: 44mm N: 47mm M: 50mm V: 63mm H: 66mm/68mm Z: 73mm T: 75mm E: 85mm F: 99mm G: 125mm | Housing type (electrode diameter in brackets) A: 26mm reverse build B: 8mm (D) C: Standard outline - 14mm (W, Y), 16mm (K), 26mm (L, Q, M, T, E, H), 26.5mm (N), 33mm (V), 36mm (F, G), 37mm (Z) D: 21mm (N), 24mm (V, Z), 26mm (F, G) E: 35mm inverse build (T, M, Q, E) F: 19.5mm (L), 26mm (K, N, V), 35mm (Z), 35mm (6.5kV Sonic Diodes) G: 35mm (L, N) H: 14mm (N), 26mm (Y) J: 19.5mm (N), 25.8mm (V), 26mm (T) K: Wespack 14.5mm (J, Q, M, H, N) L: Wespack 26mm (Q, M, H) M: Wespack 33mm (H) N: 14mm (W, Y), 26mm (L) R: Wespack 14mm (Q), 26mm (N) | Voltage grade - VRRM, VDRM/100 | Special code 0: tq code (thyristors), VRRM % of VDRM for Gate turn-off thyristors - See relevant tables P: PIN diode (Product groups: W, M, F, E) A: Avalanche rated diode (W) |
Press-Pack IGBT Capsule Devices
T | 0240 | N | B | 45 | E | |
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Device type T: Press-pack IGBT | Device nominal current rating | Electrode diameter N: 47mm Q: 38mm V: 63mm H: 66mm T: 75mm E: 85mm A: 96mm D: 110mm G: 125mm B: 132mm | Die series C D F | 45Voltage grade - VRRM/100 | Build description for multiple square die A: Reverse conducting E: Asymmetric G: Reverse conducting (IGBT to diode ratio of 2:1) |